Pinkwoolf OC70 best in budget or not

I'm using hajamat spade CC razor, GWS blade ( 2 shaves only), old spice original cream, old spice ASL. It's great in budget. Now I have only 700-800 ₹ to change razor. As I need DFS in one pass max in two pass. But with hajamat cc I'm not getting it even after 3 pass wtg, xtg, xtg. I never do atg. So tell me that pink woolf oc 70 is good or not as I'm getting in 500₹. So please suggest me. If not this than which one?

I'm using hajamat spade CC razor, GWS blade ( 2 shaves only), old spice original cream, old spice ASL. It's great in budget. Now I have only 700-800 ₹ to change razor. As I need DFS in one pass max in two pass. But with hajamat cc I'm not getting it even after 3 pass wtg, xtg, xtg. I never do atg. So tell me that pink woolf oc 70 is good or not as I'm getting in 500₹. So please suggest me. If not this than which one?